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Waste is only waste, if
we choose to waste it.

Innovation for a better purpose.


The counter above represents the amount of waste disposed into known landfills around the globe, this year alone. Our efforts to reduce society’s reliance on disposable products is still a work in progress. Our responsibilities to reuse and recycle continue to be invaluable. 

Our first goal should always be to prevent material from ever becoming waste. When some amount of waste is inevitable, leveraging multiple solutions is the only way to effectively manage it.

Recovering waste in order to transform it into energy or fuel does not replace recycling. It augments it. 

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It's time to be honest. Existing landfills are a related, but separate environmental problem. Despite our efforts, the waste in existing landfills all over the world is not going away. Landfills continue to poison our air, contaminate our water, and infect our communities and population. 


Reduce the landfill, reduce the effects. 


Landfills are dangerous. They contain endotoxins, microorganisms, hydrogen sulphide and aerosols that are toxic to the human body. These airborne chemicals have been found to cause bladder cancer, increased risk of birth defects, premature births, risk of heart defects, childhood lukemia, and increased rates of lung, stomach and rectum cancer. The leachate emitted can also escape and enter the soil and water, contaminating the surrounding area. 

And they smell. In fact, even most means of reducing landfill sites, such as incineration, are unpleasant.

We can eliminate the existing waste in landfills today, as we continue to reduce it in the future. 

Our Waste Conversion Design is a viable solution to overflowing landfill issues, while creating a clean, green, renewable energy source.



More than Municipal Solid Waste


Our Design is uniquely designed to manage multiple waste stream (feedstock) materials including medical waste, municipal solid waste (MSW), hazardous, industrial, organic and oil refinery & sewage sludge. Our proprietary design allows us to predict the efficiency of the waste composite, to generate more energy from more diverse feedstock than traditional waste to energy systems.

By utilizing existing landfills, Vital Energy's solution eliminates the impacts to human health and the environment, creating air space in landfills, and recovering land that can be used for other purposes. It is expandable, uses no city water, and produces no waste, or odour.


Our Waste Conversion Gasification technology sorts the waste on sorting lines to remove metals, glass, concrete, rock, soil, e-waste, and special wastes containing heavy metals. This reduces the ash content from 20 to 5 percent, and increases thermal efficiency by about 35 percent.

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